Saturday, January 27, 2007
1:31 PM HULLO! haha. okay. so I been a pig. a damn fat obese pig. I ate dinner almost everyday for the entire week cause I was sick and plus! the food isn't fully digested yet and I fall asleep! =( wahhs. I got to start my lose weight diet again before CNY! =D I don't want to look like a pig in my new clothes! haha. so anyway, ate jelly for breakfast =) and then some saugages. then skipped 200 times and waiting for huihui to wake up and go swimming with me! or roller blading! haha. oh yeah. I been reading this book Charlie Bone! its super good. I think it beats Harry Potter like a whole lot can. haha. he like an endowed kid that can travel into pictures and paintings and also communicate with them! hehehs. its super nice. haha. okay. I'm watching the new Russell Peter Show now! ((: and off to chalet in the evening! haha. toodles! XOXO PS: BAR-SO-LINA@DXO!!! 16&ABOVE UNDERAGE PARTY! 3 FEB! TICKETS AT 18 BUCKS. CONTACT ME AT 96920197 IF YOU WANT TICKETS. ((: Thursday, January 25, 2007
1:57 PM Ah. so here I am again. =( bored to tears. I'm like actually regreting ponning school. surfing the net plus blog hopping plus youtube plus friendster doesn't satisfy me. and I been eating jelly. oh godd. I think I am a Jelly Monster. =(( oh wells. I have an urge to go swimming but no company. =( this is boring. arghs. this post is crap. =( oh! I remember something. I know that people been complaining about my tagboard that when they click the link nothing appears so alot can't tag. haha. okay! I'll go find a new blogskin then! =D ahaha. when I'm not so lazy okay. haha. to think I thought no one tags. haha. and I got to start going church! its been three weeks since I step into church! =( better repent my sins. haha. okay. I'm getting tired now. I think I'll go to sleep. =D Labels: BORED AT HOMEE
9:09 AM HULLOS! =D haha. I'm here blogging cause I pon-ed school! haha. yeah. it going to be a week since I fell ill. my sore throat is getting worse and worse. must be the M&Ms I'm addicted to everyday and the chilli thingy. oh god. haha. I sounded like a man! =( haha. anyway, I slept for 16 hours!!! ((: hohoho! I was soo tired man. haha. anyway, sorry charis! =( couldnt acompany you in school today. and its music! haha. our favourite period. =D shes such a loser okay! haha. we were all in physics lab and I was playing with the plastic bendable ruler when Charis: A! stop it luh! you're going to break the ruler Me: No. I won't. (continues to bend) Charis:Yes you will. okay luh. lets see (giving her usual spastic face) Me: eh! (bending the ruler in anoter direction) I know you're going to reach for it! Charis:NOOO! (put her hands together in a praying manner and kept moving her eyes around like some retard =) Me:(couldnt take it)HAHA! stop pretending you're telekinetic! Charis: (with her weird eyes) haha. okay. it might not be as funny when I type it out but if you were there you can laugh till you drop man! haha. I still remember during maths class (we had two maths teacher) and Mr Low (our music teacher as well) was walking around. Me and Charis were eating wile Boey was talking to us. MrLow:Bryan! where is your homework? Boey:eh. I didn't do it. -MrLow tells Mr Mudlad about it- Mr Mudlad:Bryan! go and do your homework now! Charis:WAH LAO! YOU SABO KIA!!! (shouts and points to MrLow)HAHAHA!!! Me: HAHA! Charis:(holding the last biscuit on her hand)melissa. you still want it? Me:(still laughing) No. its okay. Charis: okay.(wants to put it into her mouth when MrLow stops her) MrLow:OEI! no eating in class! Charis:NOO! I... found it. HAHA! I tell you! shes soo lame that she keeps you entertain the entire day! haha.and we always have soo much to talk about! =)) haha. so yeah. rotting at home now. =( going to watch vcds. friday is drink session at dxo and saturday is chalet with the organisation! I must say, SOFT really was a successful event! =D XOXO I MISS SUNSHINEE! =( Sunday, January 21, 2007
1:36 PM HELLO! haha. I just woke up from a tiring night. haha. firstly, THANK YOU ALL FOR COMING TO SOFT!!! IT WAS A GOOD DAY AS IT WAS FREAKING PACKED AND EVERYTHING WAS KINDA UNDER CONTROL!!! ((: haha. so yeah. went down dxo at 7 to prepare everything and meet up with the rest. oh god. haha. went around settling tickets and runners too. haha. I had a hard time looking for everyone! =D made new friends and saw loads of people too! haha. anyway, throughout the night I didnt do much except stay outside and in the VIP room for debrief and settling accounts. sorry to Brent,Cedric,Shaun,Gabriel. didnt get you guys in and Cassey, Louisa,Sandra and gang too! and everyone at the queue! I know I didnt do much but yeah. sorry! =( and to people who came down specially for this event and couldnt get tickets too! I promise the next will definitely be better okay! I promise! haha. anyway, I made an improvement okay! haha. I sold more tickets! wohoo! haha. but yeah some stuff still abit screw but I'll still fix it. ((: so yeah. anyway, was with Jiayi the entire time! haha. we dance alittle here and there but it was super packed that less than 5 mins we couldnt take it! haha. oh yeah! some guy bought us drink! hehehs. haha. anyway, party ended at 3.30 and Jiayi and I went to 7 eleven to slack. slacked there till 6 and home-d! haha. yup. okay. going to watch tv now! haha. EVERYONE GOING DOWN RAIN'S CONCERT, HAVE FUN! =DD! HAHA. and please go hear the Pairs Hilton song Turn It Up. damn good! haha. I bet yulin you'll love it! haha. xD XOXO Friday, January 19, 2007
5:11 PM HELLO PEOPLE! haha. =D hmm. the week been normal. haha. watching Prisonbreak dvds (btw, if you dont know, I got season 1 and 2 =) haha and having a great time with my maties in class and also Beauts! haha. without maine its alittle different though... we seem more quiet I guess. haha. probably I miss her thats why. =( anyway, Charis is being the usual irratant! haha. nah. we bitched alot though. ahha. about stupid things again. anyway, today FRIDAY! oh yes!!! tomorrow SOFT and I cant wait man! haha. anyway, I dont really feel so well. =( my body feeling weak and aching. crabby paddies! I hope it isnt all the junk I been eating the entire week! =( lucky me I exercise alittle! haha. anyway, I miss Sunshine! haha. I really do. hope we'll be able to hang out this sunday! oh yeah!!! RAIN'S CONCERT this sunday! haha. I'm suppose to go cause I already paid for them but I dont think so. cause my cousins aint going anymore. sighs. oh yeah! IF YOU'RE INTERESTED, I CAN GET YOU $388 TICKETS PRICE FOR $170!!! tell me soon okay! haha. just finish my nap! and I'm baking now. haha. sponge cake with strawberry jam in it. haha. waiting for it in the oven! =D so I'm going to learn furthur skills in becoming a housewife now! hurhur. ((: XOXO PS SOFT@DXO!!! GET TICKETS NOW!!! 96920197 Tuesday, January 16, 2007
S.H.E.- Zen Ma Ban (What to Be Done?)
4:17 PM cute video! =D Sunday, January 14, 2007
12:48 PM HELLO! haha. erm. yesterday, went to meet up with Glenn at Far Coast for tea! haha. since Val was in Bangkok, that was my plan B. haha. catch up a little then went to Wisma. collect cash and waited for Ron to come. went cine. took neos. haha. its been a long time since I took neos. haha. then went to taka to meet the rest. Darlie,Jojo,Ren,Dom,Weiwei,Boey,Sidney,Terrence,Xing,Leen,Chin,Dawn,Ron and me.(Sorry if I left out anyone! =) wanted to eat at Seoul Garden but then decided to eat at Sakae. ate and crap alot. haha. stupid darren. haha. after that we were like stucked at heeren decided what to do next. Dawn left and the guys except boey and darlie too cause they were tired after their match in the morning. Xing and Leen wanted to watch movie but no movie so they left. went cheers and bought alcoholic drinks and sat outside starbucks. haha. cabbed home with Darlie and Boey after that. =D alrights. I'll blog another time! XOXO ps. pictures below! ((:
12:19 PM Darlie Birthday Celebration Yesterday! =D forgot to take pictures with the rest. =( Friday, January 12, 2007
2:27 PM ![]()
1:58 PM WOHOO! and I'm back. haha. the week been normal. haha. there were afew funny moments that I want to type out but forgot. =( haha. I remember one! the other day, Auntie Pam wanted me to post a letter to the bank and buy stamps at the singapore post. after buying the stamps I ask the lady where to post it. Me:Erm. where do I post the letter? Lady: Over there. (points) there the mailbox Me:okay. thanks. (walks back to the counter) Erm. which one? Franked Mail? Lady:(alittle annoyed) Noo. Singapore Post Me:Okay. thanks. (walks back again)Singapore or Other countries? haha. so you can feel how pissed she is. haha. I suck as a singaporean. if you ever ask me what good places there are or whatsoever, I'll tell you TOWN. =) haha. cause thats like the only place I know? haha. so yeah. school rather busy. homework everyday and non-stop lessons without breaks. gosh. haha. Charis like my entertaining buddy. haha. we talk and bitch about stupid stuff. haha. hmm. vcd-ing too! haha. yeah. I bought the new show hua yang shao nian shao niu!! =D hehehs. though its like the first part only but who cares. I owe it. ehehheh. anyway, today there was this interview thing to talk to the MOE. and crappy paddies. I was selected. =( and when I voice out about CCAs they start telling me about Social Integrity. SHEESH. I dont read my textbook for nuts okay. =( so I argue. haha. and they expect us to say a good word about the school? NO FUCKING WAY! =D arghs. oh! by the way, for the first time in 5 years, my Social Studies book has highlighted notes! haha! =DDD I realised it today. hohoho! I'm proud of myself that I finally found social studies interesting! ((: anyway, my weekends going to be lonely! SUNSHINE GOING BANGKOK! =( no town or far coast with her this sat or sun. sighs. lucky, I got a back-up plan! watch PRISONBREAK!!! hohoho! daddy went malaysia and got season 1 to 3!!! I LOVE YOU DADDYKINS! ((: haha. its the best show ever. beats CSI okay. imagine the pleasure of staring at Wentworth Miller's hot bod went you see the tattoo of the map. and man, its soo interesting it makes you want more. haha. I still remember when the first time it aired on channel 5 and I said it was going to be another shitty show but what the hell! its soo good. gosh. hes the MAN! xD haha. hmmm, if not its town with the beauts! i miss them! ((: haha. okay. its fucking raining and cold. shall blog another time. going to upload afew pictures and audition with JOJO!~ XOXO PS. SOFT@DXO!!! COME COME COME COME!!! Saturday, January 06, 2007
Only Love You
2:10 PM =D haha. this song is damn sweet! ((: Friday, January 05, 2007
4:20 PM I decided to become a irregular blogger. HAHA. that's stupid but yeah. will be damn busy these year cause MOE is being mean and shift Os earlier so we will start holidays in November as well. Sheesh. anyway, first day of school was actually good but stupid Chinese sadist TEACHER (yes. the same one that been torturing me since sec 1) came to me and started complaining about me. YANG LAO SHI (IN CHINESE): NI AH! better tuck in your fringe during my lessons and your earrings better not let me see so many ah and your skirt so short... blahblahblah... ME:(in thoughts)&^%$@#* !!! FEN,LEEN,SHIV: HAHA. you are soo unlucky. and yes. I got to tahan her for another year. =( to think I prayed to God last night that I will not get her again. sighs. anyway, I'm put to sit in front cause the teachers think I am way too talkative. she separated all the talkative ones from one another. haha. Charis was put at the back to sit alone and yulin at the back but far right. hehehs. OH! and the creepy Terrence came back to class today! haha. he got retain. anyway, Charis disturb the shit out of him. I think he is traumatised of her. HAHA. so yeah. the three days of school was preparing of lessons and scaring us on how diffcult Os are. =( and to think I thought of pon-ing school soon. haha. oh wells. SERIOUS SERIOUS! haha. yeah. oh. last thing. Kun goes to my church! haha. that loser went last week when I didn't go. HEHs. anyway, I miss holidays. the thought of no need to wake up early and slacking around town. sighs. I miss Far Coast too! my Framboos. =(( shall head there on sunday with SUNSHINE!!! =D hehs. okay. anyway, today's the last day of CHRISTMAS! haha. okay. blog again in like 1000000 days???!!! haha. oh. and I just realise that I only can check my tagboard on marc's com. both my upstairs com and dad's place com cant view it. stupid taiwan. got bloody earthquake. =( I hope they didnt kill JOE CHENG! I'll be utter depressed my entire life. HAHA. xD XOXO ps. PEOPLE! PLEASE DO SUPPORT SOFT@DXO!!! DETAILS BELOW! FINDING FOR BUYERS AND SELLERS!!! Tuesday, January 02, 2007
6:49 AM HELLO everyone! =D cheerios that my internet at my upstairs computer is FINALLY BACK!~ =D haha. okay. its 7 in the morning and I just finish watching 5 movie vcds and two discs of my taiwan show. =D haha. anyway, I got to hit the sack. blog more when I wake up. ((: school starting!~ cant wait but then again I dont want to wait up early. oh wells. =( anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE!~ ((: I hope you all had a meaningful one. I sure know mine didnt turn up well. =) haha. I mean if you are with someone you love on that night then probably it will be a really good start for the year ahead but then again, haha. I guess I cant understand that sort of feeling cause I am not interested. haha. Val thinks I'm lesbian! =( haha. I AM SOO NOT OKAY. =D haha. anyway, blog later then! Pictures will be uploaded too of last year =D ps. PLEASE DO SUPPORT THIS EVENT!!! =DD AVALANCHE PRODUCTIONS PTE LTD Proudly Presents, SOFT @ DXO. RENDEZVOUS! SCHEDULE!* REVIVE your soul; enjoy your FREEDOM; feel alive! Get hell loose from e clutches of regimentation after ONE ENTIRE WEEK. Mixed age party! ITS YOUR CALL. ITS YOUR PARTAYE (: NINE PM door opens. first 100 partaye animal gets a LOLLIPOP! cause ur gonna get popped! Wanna see some spicy cute girls in action? you have it.CHEERLEADING girlies would be giving youa WARMMMM welcome at the entrance of DXO! TEN PM your sh0w starts. here we offer, our talents: SHOWCASING ~-DJ Benedict T. [DJ ANDREW T'S lil bro]spinning-BAND JAMS.-BREAK IT, DANCE IT.-HIPHOP dancers knockin' you up. Think you have what they gonna bring it, jams/bands/gigs! dance! music!pool/billard! SIGN UP@booth outside DXO! yes, YOU. we're looking for you. possess em?talents, watch it. AVA PROD PTE LTD. is here to raise you up and give you space to do it. never had a chance? just tell us your interest and show it! there you go. we have it. ELEVEN PM to THREE AM. LETS DANCE. you movin' it ?Body grindin' all the way on the dance floor. yes, move it. You wanna get SPOTTED? you have it:NIGHTLIFE.SG and AVALANCHE PRODUCTION.SG photographers as well as videographers would be there to catch you HOT babes and hunks. get ready to be caught at their websites!! Let's get TIPSY!!! We have the BEST DRINK DEALS AND REWARDS.Tell me, HOW DO YOU RESIST THEM when they're presented RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU?!oh, and what MORE can you ASK for ??alcohol served at 2nd floor as long as you're eighteen years old! **SHE sees a WOW hunk. HE sees a HOT babe.? HOW? STEP IT UP! Presale tickets: Eighteen bucks Photo I.D. IS required to enter club. Please contact Me at 96920197 or or at friendster at! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR! GRAB YOUR TICKETS FROM ME NOW! =D XOXO |